Debussy Preludes Book 1
This significant compilation of 12 Preludes represents Debussy's mature writing style and is filled with a great diversity of compositional styles. The music expresses a vast repertoire of emotions, colors and moods. Helpful English translations of French terms as well as Debussy's performance suggestions are included as well as Dr. Hinson's suggestions for performance and an analysis of each prelude.
Table of Contents:
- Foreword
- I. Danseuses de Delphes (Dancers of Delphi)
- II. Voiles (Sails)
- III. Le Vent dans la plaine (The Wind over the Plains)
- IV. Les sons et les parfums tournent dans l'air du soir (Sounds and Perfumes Mingle in the Evening Air)
- V. Les collines d'Anacapri (The Hills of Anacapri)
- VI. Des pas sur la niege (Footprints in the Snow)
- VII. Ce qu'a vu le vent d'Ouest (What the West Wind Saw)
- VIII. La Fille aux cheveux de lin (The Girl with the Flaxen Hair)
- IX. La sérénade interrompue (The Interrupted Serenade)
- X. La Cathédrale engloutie (The Sunken Cathedral)
- XI. La Danse de Puck (Puck's Dance)
- XII. Minstrels
- Performance Instructions
Catalog: | AL2594 |
Publisher: | Alfred |
Composer: | Debussy |
Artist: | {{ATTR_ARTIST}} |
Arranger: | Hinson |
Voicing: | |
Level: | |
Pages: | {{ATTR_PAGES}} |